BEBAE group gift Delilah skins

Join the BEBAE group and check past notices for a new Delilah skin in 5 different skin tones.

Get the whole look for 2L

Skin: Free “Delilah *Coco” group gift from BEBAE.
Eyes: Free “gold flakes - opal” just released new freebie available at Poetic Eyes.
Hair: Free “JUSTIN ~ RD III” group gift from kMADd Enterprise.
Outfit: Free “Panther Wear” available at Overt.
Bow: 2L “LR WEAPONS Bow of Corcyrus” available on the lower level of the boat at the docks of Corcyrus. Note there is also a sword available for 5L at the same location.

Thanks to Sabina for the tip on the Bebae skins.


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